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Vision, Mission and Core Values


The ILHE aspires to be a regional hub advancing leadership in higher education and inspiring teaching excellence through innovative training, academic programs, and scholarship of teaching and learning research.


The mission of the ILHE is to strengthen the professional knowledge and leadership skills of faculty and higher education practitioners in the UAE and beyond. It leads and provides development training, educational programs, and pedagogical research opportunities to foster exceptional leadership practices and the teaching and learning process.

Core Values

  • Engagement and collaboration
  • Inspiring teaching excellence
  • Evidence-based practices
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Adoption of New Technology
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Professionalism

Institute's Goals

The institute has an all-embracing function, including professional development training, promotion of action research, and pedagogy-oriented consultation. The Institute seeks to achieve its goals via the following actions: 

  1. Training of faculty in the university in the full spectrum of the art and science of education.
  2. Providing expert support for innovation in course development, delivery, and assessments in the higher education context.
  3. Supporting the development of leadership skills in higher education nationally, regionally, and internationally.
  4. Advancing educational knowledge and practice by offering funding opportunities for action/classroom research and scholarly activities.
  5. Developing mechanisms for sustainable academic programs aimed at supporting the university’s transformative agenda.
  6. Working towards becoming a hub for excellence in higher education leadership, policies, and research in the country, regionally and globally.